Essential poll shows widespread support for minimum standards for rentals

As lockdowns continue across the country, ensuring the 1 in 3 Australians who rent have the same access to a warm, healthy home as owner-occupiers is vital.

According to a new poll by Essential, two in three renters (66%) say they’ve experienced difficulty keeping a comfortable temperature in their rental home.

Renters are particularly exposed to the risks associated with living in cold homes because there is little they can do to independently to improve their homes - even at their own expense -  without a landlord’s permission 

The Essential Poll shows there is widespread support among renters and non-renters alike to change the law to require that rental properties meet basic health and safety requirements.

About 7 in 10 (69%) Australians somewhat or strongly support the introduction of nation-wide minimum standards for rental properties to have basic features that ensure they can efficiently and affordably be kept warm or cool. 

Leo Patterson Ross from the National Association of Tenancy Organisations (NATO) said the support across party political lines amongst voters should compel state and territory governments to action

“These results show the communities agrees that our homes should be safe, healthy places. States and Territory leaders from all parties should come together and help ensure all Australians in their homes are protected in their homes.”

“I've spoken to older people who go to bed at 3 or 4 in the afternoon because the rest of their home is freezing cold and the heating can't warm it up.” 

“That's the real experience and consequence of our failure to ensure all homes meet a minimum standard, and this Essential poll joins an increasing body of evidence showing that Australian rental and building laws are not keeping Aussies safe.”

The Healthy Homes for Renters collaboration is calling for all state and territory governments to commit to implement minimum energy efficiency standards for rental properties.


Media release: action needed as renters living in “tin shacks” - 75 organisations urge state/territory governments to adopt minimum standards tokeep renters healthy and safe


Renters left to freeze in poorly insulated homes